Friday, September 28, 2007

New Wheels!

The greatest struggle in our marriage has been our car problems. I think we are seriously jinxed when it comes to cars because all of our cars keep breaking down. My first car, the late and great Ross, had to be put to down about five months into our marriage. We didn't have the money to buy a new car and were greatly blessed when a couple from church just gave us a car. Seriously, Craig just happened to mention our car troubles to someone and the next day we had a FREE car -- talk about amazing blessings from God! So our new car was Buella, a white Buick with the most comfortable leather seats ever! (And yes, I do name all my cars -- it's a Liz and me thing. I guess when you have no kids or pets, the next best thing is cars). Buella and I had it great for a few months and then she started having some serious problems. The ol' girl just couldn't keep going anymore. So a few weeks ago we said good-bye to Buella, traded her in and Craig and I made our first big purchase as a couple -- a new car! So the Northcutts have a new addition to the family ... a little black focus named Chloe. She's named after one of my favorite 24 characters. (If you haven't jumped on the 24 bandwagon, you need to. Craig and I would be happy to lend you ANY of seasons) This is my first brand new car and she comes complete with a 60,000 mile warranty which is great because if something goes wrong -- we don't have to pay for it! We are praying that this will be the end of our car troubles at least until May when we both graduate and I can finally get a job.


Those Tonnes said...

You like Chloe, I thought she is so awkward but she did start growing on me. Yes everyone has blogs, it is good to keep up with them because I don't see people very much. I enjoyed talking to you at the Staff Pool Party. Hopefully we can maybe have a double date soon. Hope you are doing well. Enjoy your new car!

Melanie said...

Hey Northcutts! I found your blog off of the Jones's blog. Glad you guys are doing well! Keep in touch!!

Nat Pat said...

hi angela!
glad you liked the pumpkin squares! hope you guys are doing well.