Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School!

Bright and VERY EARLY Monday morning, I headed out to Vickery Elementary in Lewisville to start my first day of work. Craig got up early to make my breakfast and pack my lunch -- I almost thought he was going to pull out a camera and take the "first day pic." I'm really enjoying my job and am already loving the kids. Here's are my favorite kid moments from this week:

At lunch on Monday, a second grader asks me what my name is. I tell him, "Mrs. Northcutt" and he says. "Whoa, that's like a direction and ... scissors!"

At the end of the day on Wednesday, I was in the cafeteria helping dismiss kids and I sat down at the kindergarten table to talk to a student. Another little girl looks at me and asks her teacher if "Mrs. Northcutt is waiting for her mommy pick her up, too." Her teacher laughs and says "Does Mrs. Northcutt look like a kindergartner?" The little girl thinks it over and says, "She could be an older one." I guess my anti-aging cream is really working!

I'm sure there will be many more fun moments with my kids!


Melanie said...

Kids are so funny! So glad that you are loving your job. Hope you guys are doing well! Tell Craig and your dad "hi" for us. Enjoy all those little kids!

Jessica and Bill Ramsour said...

Awe yea! I am so glad you're enjoying yourself so far! Keep those funny moments coming along...I'll have some to share too!

Rikki said...

hi angela...

i'm glad you're liking your new job! we're starting our expansion at OCH Grapevine next month, so hopefully we'll stop tripping over each other soon.

when i worked in the schools kids would say the funniest things to me too! one day a sweet little 4th grader said, "I like your glasses. Oh, and your shoes. And your shirt. Um, let me put it this way, I like everything about you!" So cute!

The Baublets said...

I love the scissors comment :)

Glad school is going well!

Amanda said...

Hey Angela; here I am in the blogging world! Hope your Friday is going great!